Table of Contents


Restaurant HR Helper (RHRH) is a desktop app for managing restaurant contacts including employees, suppliers and customers, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, RHRH can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

Information about this user guide


This user guide aims to:

Target Audience

As RHRH is optimised for CLI users, it is targeted towards restaurant managers who can type fast and wish to streamline their restaurant operations by having an easy and efficient way to manage their customers, employees, suppliers and reservations.

Getting Started

Before using this User Guide

Here are some important syntax which are used throughout this document:

:information_source: Notes:
Useful information or tips are displayed here

Dangerous or potentially negative actions are displayed here

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest rhrh.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for RHRH.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. If double-clicking the file does not work for you, from the command line, navigate to the folder used as the home folder for RHRH and run java -jar rhrh.jar. The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.


  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

    Some example commands you can try:
    • addC: Add a customer
    • Example: addC n/John Doe p/87654321 e/ a/Clementi lp/1000
  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command. If you want to have an overview of all the commands, you can refer to Command Summary section.

Command syntax

Commands in RHRH has the syntax: COMMAND_WORD + [PREAMBLE] + [PREFIX + PARAMETER]..., where:

  • COMMAND_WORD is a word that specifies an action of the command, e.g. addC for adding a customer, deleteR for deleting a reservation.
  • PREAMBLE is the text before the first valid prefix, usually a positive number (for delete, edit or add reservation commands), or a phrase (for find commands).
  • PREFIX is a keyword to recognize the beginning of a PARAMETER, usually ends with a '/' by convention.
  • PARAMETER is an argument input by user. PREAMBLE is also a kind of PARAMETER. A command can have 0 or more PARAMETERs, which can be compulsory or optional.

Example: addR 2 p/98765432 at/2021-12-24 2000

  • addR is a COMMAND_WORD that specifies the action of adding a new reservation.
  • 2 is an PREAMBLE that specifies number of people.
  • p/, at/ are prefixes for phone and date-time, respectively.
  • 2, 98765432 and 2021-12-24 2000 are PARAMETERs

This is the list of all prefixes used in RHRH, as well as their corresponding parameter constraints:

Prefix Description Parameter constraints
n/ Name Names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank
p/ Phone Phone numbers should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long
a/ Address Addresses can take any values, and it should not be blank
e/ Email Email follows the format of
t/ Tag (Optional) Contains alphanumeric characters.
One entity can have multiple tags
lp/ Loyalty Point A non-negative number that should not exceed 100000
alg/ Allergy (Optional) Similar to t/
sr/ Special Request (Optional) Similar to t/
l/ Leaves Leaves should only contain non-negative numbers that are less than or equals to 365
jt/ Job Title Job Title should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and should not be left blank
sal/ Salary Salary should be numerical and is more than or equals to 100 and less than or equals to 10 million
sh/ Shift (Optional) One entity can have multiple shifts
NOTE: Shifts CAN be in the past, present or future. Flexibility is given to the restaurant on how they want to use it
Refer here for more information on how to format shifts
st/ Supply Type Supply types should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank
dd/ Delivery Details Refer here for more details
at/ Reserving Date Time Refer here for more details
r/ Remark (Optional) Contains alphanumeric characters
If you want to remove the remark, you can use edit command with r/, without specifying any remark after it

:information_source: Notes:

Date Time Formatting

  • All fields that require both Date and Time in RHRH are accepted if they follow the format below, where the order of date and time are interchangeable. However, time strictly follows the 24 hours format.
Acceptable Formats Examples
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm 2021-09-19 13:00
dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm 19-09-2021 13:00
hh:mm yyyy-mm-dd 14:00 2021-11-10
hh:mm dd-mm-yyyy 14:00 10-11-2021
yyyy-mm-dd hhmm 2021-09-19 1300
dd-mm-yyyy hhmm 19-09-2021 13:00
hhmm yyyy-mm-dd 14:00 2021-11-10
hhmm dd-mm-yyyy 14:00 10-11-2021

This is the list of some repeatedly used preambles in RHRH, as well as there corresponding constraints:

Preamble Parameter constraints
INDEX Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
KEYWORD There must be at least 1 keyword or more.

Command summary

Action Format, Examples
e.g. addC n/John Doe p/87654321 e/ a/30 Geylang Drive lp/1000
e.g. addE n/John Doe p/87654321 e/ a/Blk 20 Sengkang Ave 2 l/14 sal/4000 jt/Soup Chef t/Managerial sh/2021-12-08 0800
e.g. addS n/John Doe p/87654321 e/ a/10 Balestier Rd st/Chicken dd/19-12-2021 08:00
Add reservation addR NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE p/PHONE at/DATE_TIME [r/REMARK] [t/TAG]
e.g. addR 2 p/98765432 at/2021-12-24 2000
Delete Customer deleteC INDEX
e.g., deleteC 3
Delete Employee deleteE INDEX
e.g., deleteE 1
Delete Supplier deleteS INDEX
e.g., deleteS 2
Delete Reservation deleteR INDEx
e.g., deleteR 4
e.g.,editC 2 n/James Lee e/ alg/Kiwi
Edit Employee editE INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [l/LEAVES] [sal/SALARY] [jt/JOB_TITLE] [sh/SHIFTS]…​ [t/TAG]…​
e.g.,editE 2 n/James Lee e/ sal/7000
e.g.,editS 2 n/James Lee e/ st/Beef
Edit Reservation editR INDEX [r/REMARK] [t/TAG]…
e.g. editR 2 r/surprise birthday party t/10PercentOff
Set Tables settables LIST_OF_TABLE_SIZES
e.g., settables 10,8,8,4,4,2x6,1x4
e.g., findC Chetwin everything
Find Employee findE KEYWORDS
e.g., findE 2021-12-08 0800
e.g., findS Oct AM
Check a reservation availability check DATE TIME, check DATE, check TIME
e.g. check 2021-09-19 1800, check 2021-09-19, check 1800
Get Customer Reserving getC INDEX
e.g. getc 1
e.g. sortC by/n o/d
e.g. sortE by/sal o/a
e.g. sortS by/dd o/a
Reset Customer Sorting resetC
Reset Employee Sorting resetE
Reset Supplier Sorting resetS
List Customer listC
List Employee listE
List Supplier listS
List Reservations listR
Clear clear
Help help
Exit exit


:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Command words are case-insensitive.
    e.g. editE 1 is the same as edite 1

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in addC n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g. n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command, but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify p/12341234 p/56785678, only p/56785678 will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, resetC, resetE, resetS, listC, listE, listS, listR, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

  • Users can use all customer/employee/supplier/reservation commands including from listC, listE, listS, and listR to switch to the customer/employee/supplier list respectively
    e.g. If a user is currently viewing the customer list, using addE, editE, sortE etc. while the customer list is active will execute the respective employee command and switch to the employee list automatically

Viewing help: help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.


Format: help

Adding a customer: addC

Adds a customer to RHRH.


  • Adds a customer with all specified fields, where LOYALTY POINTS, ALLERGIES and SPECIAL REQUESTS are fields specific to customers.
  • ALLERGIES, SPECIAL REQUESTS and TAG are optional fields that can be omitted.


  • addC n/John Doe p/87654321 e/ a/Blk 20 Sengkang Ave 10 lp/1000 alg/Kiwi sr/NoAirCon t/friendly adds a customer with the respective fields.

  • addC n/John Doe p/87654321 e/ a/Blk 20 Sengkang Ave 10 lp/10000 adds a customer without any optional fields.

Adding an employee: addE

Adds an employee to RHRH.


  • Adds an employee with all specified fields, where LEAVES, SALARY, JOB_TITLE & SHIFT are fields specific to employees.
  • TAG & SHIFT are optional fields that can be omitted.


  • addE n/John Doe p/87654321 e/ a/Blk 20 Sengkang Ave 10 l/14 sal/4000 jt/Head Chef t/Team A sh/2021-12-08 0800 adds an employee with the respective fields.

  • addE n/John Doe p/87654321 e/ a/Blk 20 Sengkang Ave 10 l/14 sal/4000 jt/Junior Chef adds an employee without any optional fields.

:information_source: Notes:

Refer here for a list of acceptable formats when entering date time for SHIFTS

Adding a supplier: addS

Adds a supplier to RHRH.


  • Adds a supplier with all specified fields, where SUPPLY_TYPE and DELIVERY_DETAILS are fields specific to suppliers
  • TAG is an optional field that can be omitted.


  • addS n/John Doe p/87654321 e/ a/Blk 20 Sengkang Ave 10 st/Alcohol dd/2021-11-19 15:00 t/Regular adds a supplier with the respective fields.

  • addS n/John Doe p/87654321 e/ a/Blk 20 Sengkang Ave 10 st/Alcohol dd/0800 24-12-2021 adds a supplier without any optional fields.

:information_source: Notes:

Refer here for a list of acceptable formats when entering date time for DELIVERY_DETAILS

Adding a reservation: addR

Adds a new reservation to RHRH


  • Adds a reservation with all specified fields.
  • REMARK and TAG are optional fields that can be omitted.


  • addR 2 p/98765432 at/2021-12-24 2000 r/birthday party t/10 Percent Off t/Free cake adds a new reservation of 2 pax for the customer with phone number 98765432 with all the respective details

  • addR 5 p/12345668 at/2021-02-14 1200 adds a new reservation of 5 pax for the customer with phone number 12345668 with all the respective details

:information_source: Notes:

  • NUMBER_OF_PEOPLE must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3…

  • Tables must be set before reservations can be made. See settables

  • PHONE has to be a valid phone number from a customer in the database

  • Time has to be formatted on the hour (i.e. minutes of the time is 00). Refer here for a list of acceptable formats when entering date time.

  • Note that the date time used when adding a reservation is slightly different from the acceptable formats mentioned here. Everything in the above section applies except that Time has to be formatted on the hour (i.e. time is in hh:00 or hh00 format).

Editing a customer : editC

Edits an existing customer in RHRH.


  • Edits the customer at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed customer list.


  • editC 1 alg/Kiwi sr/no air con Replaces the existing allergies and special requests of the 1st customer to Kiwi and no air con respectively.

  • editC 2 n/Betsy Crower t/ Edits the name of the 2nd customer to be Betsy Crower and clears all existing tags.

:information_source: Notes:

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing tags, allergies and special requests, the existing tags, allergies and special requests of the customer will be removed
    i.e. adding of tags is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the customer’s tags, allergies or special requests by typing t/ or alg/ or sr/ respectively without specifying any tags, allergies or special requests after it.

Editing an employee : editE

Edits an existing employee in RHRH.

Format: editE INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [l/LEAVES] [sal/SALARY] [jt/JOB_TITLE] [t/TAG]…​ [sh/SHIFT]…​

  • Edits the employee at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.


  • editE 1 sal/4000 Edits the salary of the 1st employee to be 4000.

  • editE 2 n/Betsy Crower sh/ Edits the name of the 2nd employee to be Betsy Crower and clears all existing shifts.

:information_source: Notes:

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing tags and shifts, the existing tags and shifts of the employee will be removed
    i.e. adding of tags is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the employee’s tags or shifts by typing t/ or sh/ respectively without specifying any tags or shifts after it.

Editing a supplier : editS

Edits an existing supplier in RHRH.


  • Edits the supplier at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed supplier list.


  • editS 1 p/91234567 st/Beef Edits the phone number and supply type of the 1st supplier to be 91234567 and Beef respectively.

  • editS 2 n/Betsy Crower t/ Edits the name of the 2nd supplier to be Betsy Crower and clears all existing tags.

:information_source: Notes:

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the supplier will be removed i.e. adding of tags is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the supplier’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.

Editing a reservation : editR

Edits an existing reservation in RHRH

Format: editR INDEX [r/REMARK] [t/TAG]…

  • Edits the reservation at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed supplier list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …


  • editR 2 r/have kids t/10 percent off: Edits the remark and tags of the 2nd display reservation to have kids and 10 percent off, respectively.

  • editR 1 r/ t/chetwin t/20 percent off: Removes the remark and edits the tags of the 1st display reservation to chetwin, 10 percent off.

:information_source: Notes:

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the supplier will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative.
  • You can remove all the reservation’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.

Deleting a customer : deleteC

Deletes the specified customer from RHRH.

Format: deleteC INDEX

  • Deletes the customer at the specified INDEX.


  • deleteC 2 deletes the 2nd customer displayed in RHRH.

:information_source: Notes:

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed customer list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Deleting an employee : deleteE

Deletes the specified employee from RHRH.

Format: deleteE INDEX

  • Deletes the employee at the specified INDEX.


  • deleteE 2 deletes the 2nd employee in RHRH.

:information_source: Notes:

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Deleting a supplier : deleteS

Deletes the specified supplier from RHRH.

Format: deleteS INDEX

  • Deletes the supplier at the specified INDEX.


  • deleteS 2 deletes the 2nd supplier in RHRH.

:information_source: Notes:

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed supplier list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Deleting a reservation : deleteR

Deletes the specified reservation from RHRH

Format: deleteR INDEX

  • Deletes the reservation at the specified INDEX.


  • deleteR 1 deletes the 1st reservation in the display reservation list.

:information_source: Notes:

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed reservation list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Finding customers based on keywords: findC

Find customers that have fields that contain all specified keywords cumulatively


  • Displays all customers that match specified keywords


  • findC Chetwin Everything: Finds customers that have both the keywords ‘Chetwin’ and ‘Everything’ in their fields.

:information_source: Notes:

  • At least one KEYWORD must be provided
  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. cHeTwIn will match Chetwin
  • Partial words can be matched. e.g. chet will match Chetwin
  • Only customers that contain all provided keywords will be displayed.

Finding Employees based on keywords: findE

Find employees that have a field that contains the whole phrase of keywords consecutively.

Format: findE KEYWORDS

  • Displays all employees that contain the specified keywords together.


  • findE 2021-12-08 0800: Finds employees that are working on shift 2021-12-08 0800.

  • findE Team A: Finds all employees that have Team A in any of their fields.

  • findE Team A: DOES NOT find employees that have Team and A in different fields or different shifts/tags

:information_source: Notes:

  • KEYWORDS must not be empty
  • Entering just whitespaces or no keywords after the findE command word will be flagged as an invalid command.
  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. oct will match OCT
  • Partial words can be matched. e.g. oct will match October
  • findE DOES NOT filter lists the same way as findC and findS. findE filters based on the entire phrase instead of filtering based on whether an employee has fields that contains all keywords cumulatively.

Finding Suppliers based on keywords: findS

Find suppliers that have fields that contain all specified keywords cumulatively.


  • Displays all suppliers that contain all specified keywords


  • findS Oct AM: Finds suppliers that have both keywords Oct and AM in their fields.

:information_source: Notes:

  • At least one KEYWORD must be provided
  • Entering just whitespaces or no keywords after the findS command word will be flagged as an invalid command.
  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. oct will match OCT
  • Partial words can be matched. e.g. oct will match October
  • Only suppliers that contain all provided keywords will be displayed.

Searching for reservation’s made : check

Displays the reservations made at the specified date and/or time


  • check DATE TIME: Returns all reservations on DATE TIME
  • check DATE: Returns all reservations on DATE, for all timings
  • check TIME: Returns all reservations on today’s date, at TIME
    • DATE is formatted as yyyy-MM-dd
    • TIME is formatted as HH00


  • check 2021-09-19 1800
  • check 2021-09-19
  • check 1800

:information_source: Notes:

  • Time has to be formatted on the hour (i.e. minutes of the time is 00)

Get customer who made the reservation: getC

Gets the customer who made a specified reservation

Format: getC INDEX

  • Gets the customer who made the reservation at the specified INDEX


  • getC 1: Gets the customer who made the 1st display reservation.

:information_source: Notes:

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed reservation list.
  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Displaying a sorted list of customers: sortC

Sorts and displays the active list of customers based on a given field in either ascending or descending order.


  • Sorts and displays the list of customers based on the sort type and order.


  • sortC by/n o/d: sorts the list of customers by NAME in descending order

  • sortC by/alg o/a: sorts the list of customers by ALLERGIES in ascending order

:information_source: Notes:

  • The prefixes used for the parameter PREFIX_OF_SORT_KEY is the same as that when adding or deleting a customer.
    • For example n for name and lp for loyalty points
  • The only acceptable inputs for the ORDER_OF_SORT parameter are a for ascending and d for descending.
  • ALLERGIES, SPECIAL REQUESTS & TAG are not fields that can be used to sort customers.
  • sortC only sorts the active current list for customers.
    • e.g. If you findC previously and only 3 customers are displayed on the list, sortC will only sort the 3 customers
  • If a filtered list with no customer listed is shown, sortC will be invalid.

Displaying a sorted list of employees: sortE

Sorts and displays the active list of employees based on a given field in either ascending or descending order.


  • Sorts and displays the list of employees based on the sort type and order.


  • sortE by/sal o/a: Sorts the list of employees by SALARY in ascending order

  • sortE by/n o/d: Sorts the list of employees by NAME in descending order

:information_source: Notes:

  • The prefixes used for the parameter PREFIX_OF_SORT_KEY is the same as that when adding or deleting an employee.
    • For example n for name and sal for salary
  • The only acceptable inputs for the ORDER_OF_SORT parameter are a for ascending and d for descending.
  • SHIFT & TAG are not fields that can be used to sort employees.
  • sortE only sorts the active current list for employees.
    • e.g. If you findE previously and only 3 employees are displayed on the list, sortE will only sort the 3 employees
  • If a filtered list with no employee listed is shown, sortE will be invalid.

Displaying a sorted list of suppliers: sortS

Sorts and displays the active list of suppliers based on a given field in either ascending or descending order.


  • Sorts and displays the list of suppliers based on the sort type and order.


  • sortS by/dd o/a: Sorts the list of suppliers by DELIVERY_DETAILS in ascending order

  • sorts by/N o/d: Sorts the list of suppliers by NAME in descending order

:information_source: Notes:

  • The prefixes used for the parameter PREFIX_OF_SORT_KEY is the same as that when adding or deleting a supplier.
    • For example n for name and dd for delivery details
  • The only acceptable inputs for the ORDER_OF_SORT parameter are a for ascending and d for descending.
  • TAG is not a field that can be used to sort suppliers.
  • sortS only sorts the active current list for suppliers.
    • e.g. If you findS previously and only 3 suppliers are displayed on the list, sortS will only sort the 3 suppliers
  • If a filtered list with no supplier listed is shown, sortS will be invalid.

Resetting a sorted customer list: resetC

Resets the sorting of the customer list to its default state (sorted by name)


  • resetC

Resetting a sorted employee list: resetE

Resets the sorting of the employee list to its default state (sorted by name)


  • resetE

Resetting a sorted supplier list: resetS

Resets the sorting of the supplier list to its default state (sorted by name)


  • resetS

Listing all customers: listC

Shows a list of all customers in RHRH.

Format: listC

:information_source: Notes:

  • RHRH will switch to the customer list and list all customers no matter which list you are current viewing
  • You can also switch to the customer list manually by clicking the View tab in the menu bar and selecting Customers
  • listC can be used to get the entire list of customers again after using findC to filter.

Listing all employees: listE

Shows a list of all employees in RHRH.

Format: listE

:information_source: Notes:

  • RHRH will switch to the employee list and list all employees no matter which list you are current viewing
  • You can also switch to the employee list manually by clicking the View tab in the menu bar and selecting Employees
  • listE can be used to get the entire list of employees again after using findE to filter.

Listing all suppliers: listS

Shows a list of all suppliers in RHRH.

Format: listS

:information_source: Notes:

  • RHRH will switch to the supplier list and list all suppliers no matter which list you are current viewing
  • You can also switch to the supplier list manually by clicking the View tab in the menu bar and selecting Suppliers
  • listS can be used to get the entire list of suppliers again after using findS to filter.

Listing all reservations: listR

Show a list of all reservations in RHRH

Format: listR

:information_source: Notes:

  • Reservation list will be sorted in descending date time order, i.e. the reservation with the largest date time will be on top.
  • RHRH will switch to the reservation list and list all reservations no matter which list you are current viewing.
  • You can also switch to the reservation list manually by clicking the View tab in the menu bar and selecting Reservations.
  • listR can be used to get the entire list of reservations again after using check to filter.

Setting the tables for the restaurant: settables

:bangbang: Warning!
This command will remove ALL reservations and overwrite ALL previously set tables

Sets the number of tables and size of each table in the restaurant.

Format: settables LIST_OF_TABLE_SIZES

  • LIST_OF_TABLE_SIZES is formatted as any combination of the following:
    • <TABLE_SIZE>
      each comma-separated from the next.


  • settables 10, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2x6, 1x4

:information_source: Notes:

  • This command must be used at least once before you can add a reservation.

    (i.e. RHRH must contain tables before making a reservation)

  • TABLE_SIZE and NUMBER_OF_TABLE_WITH_THIS_SIZE has to be a positive integer

Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all entries from RHRH.

Format: clear

Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

Saving the data

RHRH data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Editing the data file

RHRH data are saved as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/rhrh.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

:bangbang: Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, RHRH will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run.


How do I transfer my data to another Computer?

Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous RHRH home folder.